Thursday, November 5, 2009

LONG overdue...

With Birthdays, Halloween, surgeries and sickness...I've put this on the bottom of my list.We are all feeling well and so ready for the holidays to begin! I thought I'd try to make Savannah's Halloween costume this year, don't ask me what I was thinking. I think God had other plans because we all got the flu, I had to postpone my leg surgery and Halloween crept up quickly. I ended up rushing to get it done the night before her Halloween party at school (which we also signed up to bring treats for). Oh well, it got done...but I think I'll just pay the $30 and buy one next year.

Savannah and Rhett are growing so fast! Savannah had her 3 year check up and she is in the 95th percentile for weight (poor girl) and 75th for height. She is right on track with everything else. She is doing great at school and I think she really enjoys it, although she is still really shy. Rhett is crawling all over the place now as well as pulling up to stand. I see emergency room visits in our future. Mom better toughen up because I know this boy is going to scare me to death. He has also started saying "Mama" and "Dada", "Dada" was his first word that he knew what he was saying. Ross was pretty excited about that.